Sun or Snow Vacation Rentals
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Rental Satisfaction Survey

This survey will take 5-10 minutes. Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our services!

Your Information

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Email Address:
Confirm Your Email Address:
Street Address  
Zip Code  
Resort / Location Rented:

Our Company

Please tell us about your experience with Sun Or Snow Vacation Rentals

How did you find our website?*

If "other" or "referral" selected above, please explain.
Advertisements: Did you feel our company's advertisements were accurate and informative?*
How easy did you find the website to use?*
Did you find our website informative?*
Please rate the appearance of the website?*
What improvements do you think need to be made on the website?  
What do you like best about the website?  
Was your rental manager friendly and professional?*
Comments about the rental manager:  
Were all of your questions answered in a timely fashion?*
Did you feel the rental process was easy?*
Did you feel the payment process was easy?*
Did you feel the contract was fair?*
Did you feel the contract was clear?*
How would you rate your overall experience with Sun or Snow Timeshare?*
Would you use our company for your future accommodation needs?*

Your Rental

Please tell us about the resort / unit you rented.

Did you feel your accommodations were as advertised?*
Did you experience any problems at the time of check-in?*
Comments about check-in

Was the resort / hotel staff friendly and professional?*
Comments about resort / hotel staff

Did you feel the accommodations were worth the money spent?*

Please provide us with any additional comments or questions regarding your accommodations.  
Did you have any problems during your stay?*
If you answered "Yes" above, did you notify the resort of your problem(s)?

How did the resort handle your complaint(s)?  
Did you attend a timeshare presentation during your stay?*

If you answered the above question with "Yes," please answer the questions below.

Timeshare Presentation

Did you feel the presentation was informative?*
What gift were you given for attending the presentation?  
Did you make (or are you considering) a timeshare purchase?*


Would you like to receive e-mail notifications from us with accommodation deals and travel tips?*

Privacy Policy: Your information is used for our company's mailing list only. We do not sell your information to any other party. We only send e-mails regarding changes to our company's policies and rental deals. To be removed from our mailing list, simply send an e-mail to with "REMOVE" in the subject line.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We really appreciate it!

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